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                                    is published in e-book Kindle and trade paperback editions, available for international purchase through Amazon websites. Amazon Prime members can borrow the novel for free.


Primed is set in the not-too-distant future, where technology has all but eliminated freedom of thought and blurred the boundaries between the real and virtual. Humanity is poised on the brink of galactic colonisation with the plutocratic United Nations of Earth struggling to maintain control over its rapidly expanding empire in the face of insurgent trans-global corporations vying for independence.


True to the post-modernist origins of the cyberpunk genre, the novel explores the nature and value of human existence and identity together with logical conclusions of current developmental trends in information and telecommunications technologies and their implications for personal privacy and freedom.


Whilst being classified as a science-fiction adventure the story can also be properly described as hard science-fiction: the author is an environmental science graduate, calling on extensive research into brane cosmology, astrology, neuroscience, quantum physics, weapons- nano- and bio-technologies to create an immersive and believable milieu for the most technically-minded science-fiction fan.


Audiobook and screenplay versions are also planned.


For more information, go to                                   and/or sign up for the Dissident Press Newsletter there or via the                      page, where reviewer copies are available by author agreement for a limited time.


Paperback editions are available in Canada and for retail by direct purchase from the publisher via this website.

(G P) Francis takes this awkwardly hilarious irony and gently guides us into accepting it. Francis has created a new dimension of reader response and reader responsibility. This was a wonderfully wrapped masterpiece.

Amazon Reviewer


For me the thing that makes this so scary is that it felt like I was only a doorstep away from any of the villains in these stories.

Amazon Reviewer


Reviews for "Ain't No Sanity Clause"

Works by G P Francis



EPOCH Campaign on Indiegogo


                                 revolutionary, new MMORPG, cross-platform video game for XBox, PlayStation, PC and mobile devices set in the same universe as science fiction novel Primed.


Dissident Press has started an Indiegogo campaign to crowd fund the commercial software licenses needed to develop the game from its current planned and design stage. For more details, click below.


Header image art credit: Victor Habbick

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